
The only hope Mother Earth has for survival is our recovering creativity—which is, of course, our divine power. Creativity is so satisfying, so important, not because it produces something but because the process is cosmological. There’s joy and delight in giving birth. – Matthew Fox

How do we come to know God? Traditionally, we might suggest that our encounters with the holy can be deepened through scripture, study, prayer, relationship, church, nature, and meditation, but what if we consider the possibility that a primary way we can experience the revelation of God’s mystery is through the process of our own creative expression? – Christine Valters Paintner

What is creativity?

Creativity is everything Matthew and Christine write about and more. It’s a way of being, our intrinsic nature.

(Healthy) Christian theology teaches that we are “created” in the image of Love. This “creation” story isn’t a one-off, microwavable event. Instead, it’s a dynamic and creative process of life/death/rebirth, connection/disconnection/reconnection, order/disorder/reorder.

The real essence of creativity, when we can look through its loving lens, can be found in all aspects of life: relationship, nature, work, health, spirituality, etc.

So, what does all of this mean?

It’s a call to playfulness; an invitation to see life as a sandbox for you to build a home, watch it crash, and rebuild it in love. It’s permission to fail over and over. It’s a loving attention to the process, not to the end product. It’s a nod to our culture’s geniuses who prioritized curiosity and imagination. It’s a map to your truest self.

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