I like to write. There was a time when I didn’t know my voice; writing was painstaking, outright arduous with very little benefit. Though, I’m happy to report I’ve since found it (for now).
Writing seems like a job of wearing two hats.
The first hat is knowledge: there are things to learn, to know. In your respective field it’s your due diligence to read other thinkers to obtain some sort of grasp on what is considered true. Without some sense of an agreed upon set of facts, it’s difficult to make any ground on any subject.
The second hat is wisdom: a balance of knowledge and experience, wisdom lies in the heart of each of us. It is a spectacularly difficult challenge to parse out the wisdom already inherent, within you now. There’s a reason the world religions are often called the Wisdom Traditions.
So the balance of the two hats begins. How do you know when to wear the hat of knowledge vs the hat of wisdom? I suppose it’s trial and error, an effort to match the outfit of the day or perhaps a practice of discernment.
Whatever the case, I invite you to simply begin by writing for 20 minutes. What comes up? Try it again tomorrow. Be interested in the bits of wisdom that appear through the weeds of knowledge and experience that make up your life.
And, enjoy it. Be humble, be kind.